Loyalty Program

Designed to thank you for your continued support.

There are four ways to earn rewards towards your

free eyebrow threading appointment

  1. For every eyebrow threading appointment booked with me, you will receive one hole punch on your loyalty card!

  2. Anyone you refer, as long as they give me your name for the referral, will also count as a hole punch on your card.

  3. Leaving a Google Review will also give you a hole punch!

  4. You will also earn a free hole punch on your birthday!

Your 10th appointment will be free and you will start a new card!

Don’t Worry about losing your card

I will hold onto all of the loyalty cards. After your appointment, you card will be punched. Please note that you will not be eligible for a loyalty card until you have come to me at least two times. This standard is put in place in an effort to reduce waste.

P.S. If you know you have a card and I forget to hole punch it, don’t feel bad reminding me, I need it!