recover yourself, empower a cause

The recovery initiative

The Temple News 2021

The #RECOVERY Initiative was launched in 2021, at the height of the pandemic, as a way for me to give back to my community during a time when I couldn’t be on the front lines. This initiative is about coming together—through our time, support, awareness, and contributions—to make a meaningful impact.

On designated days of free eyebrow threading, I’ll provide a thoughtful experience in exchange for your awareness of a featured nonprofit focused on social, environmental, or humanitarian issues. If you choose to leave a tip, 100% will be donated directly to the organization.



For January 2025

In response to the recent LA fires, I’ve chosen to highlight a nonprofit I’ve supported in the past—the California Community Foundation. Through their Wildfire Recovery Fund, they’ve provided critical aid to those affected by past disasters and are actively supporting relief efforts for the current LA fires.

We’ve Raised $135 so far!

Last Updated: Feb 8th, 2025 at 6:00pm

Free Threading Days: 2/6, 2/7, 2/10

Promotional graphic for California Community Foundation's Wildfire Recovery Fund, featuring a burning tree illustration, with text mentioning free eyebrow threading and social media handles.


The eyebrow threading is 100% free, but if you choose to leave a “tip,” you’re consciously making a direct donation to the nonprofit. That’s something to be proud of because you’re not just supporting a cause—you’re actively contributing to something bigger than yourself, making a real difference.


by 6abc News

I am so humbled to have this accomplishment under my belt, and it wouldn’t have been possible without this community.

We've Raised More Than $2,000 Across 18 Non Profits!

We've Raised More Than $2,000 Across 18 Non Profits!

Stay Updated on Instagram for More Updates on the Next Event!

Discover Previously Featured Nonprofits

Map of the USA with "Feeding America" text overlaid, wheat symbols, and hashtags related to recovery and free eyebrow threading.
Promotional image for Bethesda Project, September 2022, featuring a bell graphic, hashtag #Recovery, Venmo handle "kunti31," and Instagram handle "@browsbykunti." Offers free eyebrow threading with a call to swipe for more info.
Illustration of a flag with blue and yellow colors featuring the text "International Rescue Committee" on top. Additional text at the bottom reads, "Swipe to learn more, June 2022, #RECOVERY," with social media handles and the name "venmo kunti31."
Pink poster for National Breast Cancer Foundation featuring two people holding pink ribbons, a heart, and floral designs. Includes "Swipe to learn more" and "October 28th #RECOVERY."
Haitian Bridge Alliance promotion with map of Haiti and flag colors. Event details: September 30th, 5-7 PM. Collaboration between Ignite Temple U and BrowsByKunti. Hashtag #RECOVERY. Contact on Instagram: @browsbykunti.
Illustration of six diverse children holding hands above text that reads 'Save The Children', with event details 'July 10th - July 20th', and social media handles. Background color is orange with contact information at the bottom.
Promotional graphic for Doctors Without Borders featuring cartoon characters holding supplies, with text about a campaign running from June 2nd to June 16th, hashtag #RECOVERY, and mention of Venmo and browsbykunti. Background is red with a road graphic.
"Feeding India" graphic with event dates April 30th to May 2nd and hashtag #Recovery, featuring Indian flag colors.
Illustration featuring a tree, an adult and baby elephant, and a giraffe alongside the text 'African Wildlife Foundation'. Event dates are April 18th to 21st with hashtag '#RECOVERY'. Swipe to learn more is indicated. Venmo handle 'browsbykunti' is included.
Graphic with rainbow lines, text "Transgender Law Center," event dates April 7th - 11th, hashtag #Recovery, and social media handle @browsbykunti.
Image promoting the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women with dates March 26th to March 28th and hashtag #Recovery. Features illustration of bound hands on blue background.
The image is an advertisement for "The Homeless Period Project," featuring text on a red background with a blood-like stain. It includes event dates from March 19th to March 22nd and a prompt to swipe for more information. The hashtag "#Recovery" is included, along with contact information for "browsbykunti" on Venmo.
Purple background with text "women against abuse." Features raised fists and dates March 8th to March 12th. Includes hashtags and social media information.
Promotional image for event, March 1-5, focusing on recovery, with Venmo details for donations. Blue background with bold text.
Palestine Children’s Relief Fund poster, November 2023, featuring recovery hashtag and offer of free eyebrow threading.
Orange promotional graphic with text "#RECOVERY DECEMBER 2024 One Simple Wish" and "Swipe to learn more free eyebrow threading". Features a magic wand, star, and fireworks illustrations. Includes social media handles Venmo @kunti31 and Instagram @browsbykunti.
Blue background with stars and a shooting star, text "#Recovery December 2022, Make-A-Wish, Swipe to learn more, Free eyebrow threading," Instagram and Venmo handles.
Promotional image for the California Community Foundation in August 2023, offering free eyebrow threading. Includes '#Recovery', a forest silhouette, Venmo handle 'kunti31', and Instagram handle '@browsbykunti'.